Wednesday, November 4, 2009


As I looked through the Elementary Education projects on Scratch, there were several that caught my attention, but one really stood out to me. The one I liked was Moon Phases. I think I liked this one for several reasons. One, this was neat to see because it is something we have just learned about in exosphere, and it is neat to see a way it can be taught to elementary students, instead of just learning about it and thinking of your own ways, which can sometimes be difficult. Two, I liked it because the students in my clinical classroom have also learned about this recently. In fact, I was able to teach them this lesson, and I noticed how it was difficult for some of them to fully grasp the concept at the second grade level. This is a good way for them to play around and see how the moon phases change. There could also be a second part made that is a little more interactive for them in some way. Maybe asking them to identify without seeing names with the phases, having them use a drawing tool to illustrate the phases, etc. There are many possibilities in how this can be expanded on/improved, but overall, it was a very good learning tool.

1 comment:

  1. Good thinking about how a technology tool can be used to improve student understanding of a difficult concept. Scratch will appeal to visual, spacial, and kinesthetic learners!
