Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Blogging with Fairview Middle

I thought this was a very neat activity. It was fun to see how the students responded to the magazine covers that were made, and to see what caught their attention/what they liked most. I have never seen blogging used in a classroom before, so it was neat to see how good the children were with it, and how they seemed to enjoy the communication with others. I am still just unsure of whether or not this is something I would want to use in my classroom. I can see how it can be educational, but it worries me that it is taking away from learning some. I am seeing through my younger sister's learning how certain technologies are taking away from her learning things that were mandatory when I was her age. I know that technology is "the way of the future", but I often feel we are becoming too dependent on it, and using blogging in the classroom, to me, just adds to that. I don't know; I have a lot of mixed feelings about this, and I'm just not sure how I really feel about any of it, even though this was a neat activity/experience.


  1. It is good that you are thinking critically about this. Using blogging just because its cool doesn't do anybody any good. You want to make sure you are meeting standards and objectives. But I really believe that kids need to know how to communicate responsibly and ethically with digital tools and the best place to learn that is in the classroom.

  2. I like that you are thinking criticallly about using blogging in the classroom. You need to be sure your are meeting CSO. I think that teaching students to do peer editing to help fix spelling issues is a good idea. I also like teaching kids to use spell check. It provides just in time instruction which is very effective in teaching spelling. It is also important to check for meaning of the words when they spell check. Often times they will just chose the first word on the list instead of the actual word they were trying to spell.
