Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Website Validation

The website I looked at was Martin Luther King Jr. - A True Historical Examination. As I read further into the details and looked at the links provided, I feel that this is not a true examination. It says things like "Martin Luther King Jr. was a fraud", "woman beater", and many other horrible things. The website is hosted by Stormfront-A White Nationalist Community - and their homepage is just a forum site, and a lot is said about donating money. I believe that this site is not a very legitimate source, and that they are really trying to make some money. They have flyers on their page for students to give out in their schools saying all these horrible comments about Martin Luther King Jr., and I'm afraid that children will see this website and believe it without really studying about Martin Luther King Jr. and learning about what he did while he was alive, relating to Civil Rights.

1 comment:

  1. Good use of information literacy strategies to validate the information on this website!
