Sunday, September 27, 2009

Would Socrates approve of WebQuests?

Yes, I believe that Socrates would approve of WebQuests. Socrates was not one for learning in the same environment all of the time, and I believe that he would find WebQuests a great way for students to learn in the classroom, at home, anywhere they could access the internet. I also feel that, even though he wouldn't want us to completely focus on just the internet and its resources for learning, he would love it and use it as much as he could. It would help to answer his questions, and lead him to more questions from those answers. He would also be able to grasp what others may be learning, and share that with those he was teaching. The internet is an amazing tool, and as long as it is not the primary learning tool, it can lead to great learning and assistance in that learning, and I believe that is what Socrates would say.

The task that I feel my WebQuest falls under is the Retelling Task. Although it is not just retelling to the students the parts of the book, it is just teaching and allowing the students to teach me, as well as other classmates and family, about what they knew, what they learned, and what they would like to know, along with some other creative tasks.

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. You demonstrate a strong and balanced understanding of the Internet as a teaching tool! Well done!
