Monday, October 3, 2011

Technology Survey - Clincal Activity

My clinical placement is in Mrs. Basagic's 4th grade classroom at Jayenne Elementary.

How many computers are in the classroom? There are 4 student computers and 2 teacher computers.

Do they have internet access?

Can you access Google tools? Yes.

Do you have access to a laptop cart? Can they get on the internet? Yes; Yes.

Is there a computer lab? Does it have internet access? Can you access Google tools? How do you reserve it? Yes; Yes; Yes; Reservations are made by a sign-up sheet. However, at the moment, the lab is only being used for Reasoning Mind - a mathematics program funded by grant money. The mobile lab is in the process of becoming it's own stationary lab on the first floor of the school.

How many students have internet access at home? 25 out of 27 students have access to the internet at home.

What are some locations in the community where students can access computers and internet? The students can go to the public library. Many students also attend after school day-care type programs, such as 6-12 Mac, where they can access these resources.

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