Sunday, September 11, 2011

Double Entry Journal #6

As I was reading the article, I was having a difficult time thinking of culturally responsive teaching that I had encountered during my time here at FSU. However, when I got to point six in the article, Reshaping the Curriculum, I saw that one of the ways mentioned was to interview a community member about the topic at hand. I, then, remembered that I did an interview assignment my freshman year in Intro to Education with Coach Baker. I was to interview a former teaching about the education profession. I remember that it was a neat opportunity to see a former teacher in a new light, as a potential colleague, as well as learning about their thoughts and feelings on the profession, along with some of their strategies. I'm not sure if this is really considered culturally responsive teaching, but this is the first thing I resonated with as I read.

Principles for culturally responsive teaching. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Related Resource:
I just really liked this image. When I think of culturally responsive teaching, this picture is what comes to mind.

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