Your presentation was visually appealing and followed the principles for multimodal learning! The video was a good attention grabber for young children. I think this would make a nice collaborative project in the future in which students created their own slides about homophones.
I was born and raised in Grafton, WV. I am attending Fairmont State University,where I am a Graduate student pursuing a Masters of Education in Multi-Categorical Special Education. I graduated in May 2012 with a BAE in Elementary Ed. I was also involved with the Fairmont State Honors Program and was a Freshman Counselor on the campus for two years. I love working with children and those with special needs. This blog has been created for my EDUC 6305 course.
Your presentation was visually appealing and followed the principles for multimodal learning! The video was a good attention grabber for young children. I think this would make a nice collaborative project in the future in which students created their own slides about homophones.