Tuesday, August 25, 2009

And So It Begins...

Well, I'm not really sure what I need to put here. This is my very first post to my very first blog, unless you consider Xanga which most people have probably forgotten about. I am looking forward to this semester and all it will have to offer. It's already been a wonderful week, with Welcome Weekend and Freshman Counseling, and now classes. I'm such a nerd, but I love school. As much as I may get stressed out, I love it. I guess that's why I've always wanted to teach and be apart of that amazing journey with my own students. There's nothing else I would rather do with my life. My goal is to be able to touch someone's life in a way that is similar to the way teacher's have touched mine. I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for several teachers who believed in me, loved me, and showed that to me everyday in the classroom, and even outside the classroom many years later. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm so thankful for everything I have and everyone that's helped me get here.

Until next time...